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How to avoid stalkers and stalking

All people like to give them real or virtual attention. But when that attention becomes unreasonable, it becomes harassment and can be very uncomfortable and even dangerous. A stalker is a man or woman who spies or "stalks" on the web, whether we talking about some best dating sites or something else. The term is broad and ranges from harmless behaviors such as looking insistently at third party profiles until inappropriate such as being invasive or threatening in such networks or dating sites. If we talk about virtual curiosity, most people "stalk" one way or another. Who has not snooped on the profile of your ex, at least a couple of times to see how such is the man or woman we have been replaced? It is part of human nature although there are studies that point out that it is not good for the psyche because it leaves us attached to the past and in a state of frustration. When stalking is harmless and imperceptible to the receiver of the same, nothing happens; In any case the gossip pays the consequences. The problem arises when the virtual harasser generates some prejudice, such as assuming the identity of another person, interfering in their publications or interacting unduly with their contacts, for example. To prevent the "work" of a stalker - and to avoid involuntarily transforming you - here are some suggestions: Preserve intimate data on social networks and dating sites: no posting of addresses, bank details, etc. Watch out for photos of children. Do not post on the network those things that you would not be ventilating in offline life. Uses common sense, which is usually the least common sense. Learn how to use social media settings and manage publications accordingly. Facebook offers several publishing options: for friends, personalized, public, etc. It's not necessary for everyone to see everything you post.

Beware of labels: do not compulsively label photos or states to other people.

Before uploading an update to a foreign wall, it is always better to ask the receiver if you agree. There may be those who do not want to be known to have been in a particular place on a given day. Or simply people who do not like to be seen in a massive way, for the sake of privacy. Eye with what you publish on the walls of other people, what you tweet and what you say. In virtuality, it always applies what in offline life: it is better to count to ten. Who says without thinking about life, surely will do it on the Web, causing all sorts of consequences and discomforts to others. The maxim of relationships must be to think before speaking; Think before posting.

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